Beltwide Cotton Conference 2020
Historic trade agreement signed between china and u s.
Beltwide cotton conference 2020. 2020 beltwide cotton conference strengthening the u s. Cotton s competitive position in the world marketplace the purpose of the beltwide cotton conference is to enhance the profitability of u s. The insightful program will update attendees on the latest research and technology. Cotton producers and other industry members with the goal of strengthening u s.
Beltwide cotton conferences 2020 january 8 january 10 three days of individual reports panel discussions hands on workshops and seminars are designed to provide attendees with information they need to help producers make key cotton production marketing related decisions. Cotton by sharing new technology and their practical applications and disseminating best practices to cotton professionals everywhere. Beltwide cotton conferences january 8 10 2020 jw marriott austin hotel austin texas 2 the contents of this booklet are current as of december 14 2019. Proceedings from 1983 through 2004 conferences may be ordered by sending an email to bwcc.
1951 first engineers workshop met with cotton mechanization conference. First beltwide cotton mechanization conference held at stoneville ms as direct outgrowth of ncc resolution supporting programs to achieve complete mechanization of cotton production. Cotton agronomy physiology soil conference cotton consultants conference cotton disease council. 2020 beltwide cotton conferences september 1 2019 in features special report the jw marriott in austin texas is the picturesque backdrop for the 2020 beltwide cotton conferences set for jan.
Cotton s competitive position in the world marketplace and enhancing industry members profitability. Coverage of the 2020 beltwide cotton conference brought to you by. 2020 beltwide cotton conferences you may search for particular presentations by typing key words an author s name or the title in the box below. Beltwide cotton conferences january 8 10 2020 austin texas 1 the beltwide cotton conferences bwcc speed the transfer of new technology to u s.
1948 first cotton improvement conference met with what is now saas and affiliated with the beltwide cotton conferences bwcc in 1956. Paper and presentation requests will be handled similarly to previous conferences utilizing confex technology to assist with session organization. Conference proceedings are available beginning from 1983 to the most recent conferences. Wednesday january 8 2020 thursday january 9 2020 friday january 10 2020.
The full proceedings including abstracts and papers for years 2005 through 2020 are available online.