Robert Barham Family Funeral Home
Wayne was a deacon at mt horeb baptist church for many years and served as a sunday school teacher.
Robert barham family funeral home. Robert barham family funeral home has been entrusted with the. Jimmy bryant view full obituary william andrew andy booker december 17 1938 august 17 2020. Robert barham family funeral home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements. Our funeral home is owned and operated by the same local people that you have known and trusted for over three decades the barhams.
Funeral services for c c roberson will be held friday august 21 2020 at 1 00 pm at robert barham family funeral home with bro. As a family owned funeral home our main goal is to provide the highest and most respectable level of service to our friends and families. Our funeral home is owned and operated by the same local people that you have known and trusted for over three decades the barhams. Carl harper age 81 of meridian passed away thursday august 13 2020 at his home.
We are not governed by corporate mandates or driven to increase profits. We know that our success depends upon how we treat each and every person we serve. As a family owned funeral home our main goal is to provide the highest and most respectable level of service to our friends and families. Bob bill and bruce.
Cleveland wayne pickard age 82 of meridian ms passed away tuesday august 11 2020 at his home surrounded by loved ones. Bob bill and bruce. Robert barham family funeral home is honored to be entrusted with the arrangements. As a family owned funeral home our main goal is to provide the highest and most respectable level of service to our friends and families.
Bob bill and bruce. Danny joseph fisher age 71 of dekalb mississippi passed away on thursday june 18 2020 at rush foundation hospital. Burial to follow at forest lawn. Robert barham family funeral home is honored to be entrusted with the arrangements.
Funeral services for karlen bagley will be held friday august 14 2020 at 11 30 am at robert barham family funeral home with dr. Savell 84 of lauderdale passed away saturday august 29 2020 at rush foundation hospital. Robert barham family funeral home is family owned and has one goal. He will be remembered for the love he had for his wife children grandchildren and his family.
Carl enjoyed barrel racing golfing and watching his grandchildren play sports.